unleashing women’s authentic confidence, creativity & innate leadership by exposing and overriding the culturally-manufactured GOOD GIRL

We can’t directly change CULTURE.
A culture changes when people within it break free and express new values and wants.
They decide to define themselves instead of default to the norm.
Culture always shifts as a result of those within it shifting.

Holly Mandel’s
Let Holly and her team work with your company to further explore and expose how THE GOOD GIRL is inhibiting growth and possibilities. You'd be surprised how all-pervasive she is.
Bring Holly into your business to work with your company or specific affinity groups.
The presentation can be tailored to an event or retreat and allows for a robust interactive Q&A after.
Holly's powerful, entertaining and ground-breaking keynote that addresses popular, relevant topics such as THE NEED FOR GREATER LEADERSHIP BY WOMEN, THE IMPOSTER SYNDROME, THE CONFIDENCE GAP and BUSTING GLASS CEILINGS.
Audiences will explore what is at the core of these things and how the “Good Girl” prevents women from leading, making real change and profound impact.
Organizations, Events, and Companies That Have Welcomed Holly as a Speaker

You want to advance in your company and be a bold, decisive leader.
But something is holding you back, keeping you hesitant and undermining your confidence when it counts.
That ‘something’ is your Good Girl. And until you override her programming, you’ll always be watching from the sidelines.

GOOD GIRLS AREN’T CEOs Empowerment Series:
Creating a New Culture of Authentic Women's Leadership
Bringing Holly Mandel into your company will catalyze an important conversation about women, leadership and culture. It is an engaging, entertaining multi-media presentation followed by a robust Q&A session that invites participants to engage with the ideas and reflect on how THE GOOD GIRL might be showing up — with clients, management, one another, and most importantly within themselves.
The talk is not just about leading—it’s about leading boldly, fearlessly, and authentically. Nor is it your typical sit-back-and-listen presentation; Holly’s here to poke under the hood and unpack what is really going on in the arena of gender, culture and the workplace.
for any-sized group
can be customized to include bespoke content
half-day and full day options
available to travel locally or internationally
The aim of GOOD GIRLS AREN’T CEOs is to explore and empower women to break free of limitations which still linger within, in order to step into their untapped potentials.

“There are lots of books and seminars about women and leadership but I’ve not seen a hands-on workshop like this — actually tap into it and transform the women in the room.”
— Kristen C, SKADDEN: NYC

At iMERGENCE, we empower women professionals to break free from the limiting mindsets of “doing it right,” “being good,” or constantly striving to be “liked” and “nice.” These common traps often hinder the expression of their true voices and stand in the way of their growth and contributions as a decisive colleague and employee.
Our workshops offer women a space to recognize just how universal and non-personal these pressures are, giving them the clarity to see them from a fresh perspective. Once this awareness takes root, it becomes easier to tackle THE GOOD GIRL head-on.
We create an environment where women support one another—lifting each other up, encouraging risk-taking, and letting go of the need to always be perfect, un-endlingly caring and please everyone. In its place, women will be able to identify who they are, naturally, without following the playbook of THE GOOD GIRL.
Our focus is on helping women tune into their deeper instincts—to trust their impulses, take risks, and express bold ideas without fear of failure. By exercising the muscle of confidence and authenticity, they become stronger versions of themselves.
for any-sized group
can be customized to include bespoke content
single session or a series
available to travel locally or internationally
When women see and experience how embroiled they still are in their GOOD GIRL, it generates the fuel needed to break free of her.

Imagine the work culture that would result from women shedding their GOOD GIRL, with the insights and tools to consistently step up and into their potential.

GOOD GIRLS AREN’T CEOs: a multimedia keynote with Q&A about the origins and implications of "the GOOD GIRL", her obsession with perfectionism, being liked and 'playing nice', and ultimately her stifling effects on women's confidence, leadership, and authenticity.
after we remove the external limitations, we still have to dismantle our internal ones.
It is well-known that there still exists a gap in the business sector in terms of women in leadership and decision-making positions. While there are many inroads to address this issue, unpacking gender expectation — the shoulds we grow up with and internalize — and its effects on confidence, perfectionism, leadership, and innovation is the only way forward.
Mandel's work has had consistent success with groups of women in all sectors of business, exploring the structures within themselves and discovering the parts that are not inhibited by the debilitating need to get everything right, say what others want to hear and succumb to the unspoken subtle competitions between one another that arise.
We are programmed and rewarded, whether we want to or not, to be LIKED more than RESPECTED. To be NICE more than BOLD. To PLEASE OTHERS more than BE DECISIVE. To follow the RULES AND SHOULDS more than our INSTINCTS AND IMPULSES. If you are surprised and disappointed at how often you feel a lack of confidence, at how many times you talk yourself out of doing something big and audacious, or how easy it is for you to fit in the huddle more than step forward and be seen and heard, you are not alone. You are merely obeying the strategies of your Good Girl.
“I attended multiple events and the one that had the most impact, the one that stuck with me and...to this day...I reference, quote, and think about is Holly’s GOOD GIRLS AREN’T CEOs.”
— ASHLEY C, PwC at the GHC19 Conference

Jessica Bayer, Director, Boehringer:
“What a home run! Holly was amazing. Amazing to work with, amazing in the room with everyone, and delivered an amazing keynote.
It was spot-on for our event, and her credibility and energy just made her a perfect headline speaker for our event.
We were super-lucky to have her and I would recommend her to other clients for sure.”
”The Power of ‘Yes, And’ to Change Yourself and Culture”
In this episode, Holly shares how improv changed her life and unpacks the mantra of Improv: the two words; Yes And...
This conversation is packed with sociology and psychology, and helped me understand that improv (and Yes, And) is a way of life. Holly inspires people to Let go. Trust. Listen. To learn. And ultimately to grow. I have no doubt you'll enjoy conversation with the wonderful Holly Mandel. Enjoy! - Yinh Hinh
“Improv, Character and Gender”
Host & fellow improviser Whit Shiller begins with a conversation about improv, of course — including an exploration of character-based improv, ‘growing up’ at The Groundlings Theater & School and continued in New York and Los Angeles with her own schools. This episode also goes into Holly’s highly-regarded Good Girls Aren’t Funny workshops and presentations, which explores and seeks to understand differences in gender experiences in improv and beyond.
“What Character Really Means and Why Being a GOOD GIRL Won’t Help You”
In this episode, Holly shares how improv changed her life and unpacks the mantra of Improv: the two words; Yes And...
This conversation is packed with sociology and psychology, and helped me understand that improv (and Yes, And) is a way of life. Holly inspires people to Let go. Trust. Listen. To learn. And ultimately to grow. I have no doubt you'll enjoy conversation with the wonderful Holly Mandel. Enjoy! - Yinh Hinh
FEMINIST CRUSH with Kitty Lindsay
”Good Girls Aren’t Funny”
Through comedy, feminist improviser and creator of Goodgirlsarentfunny.com Holly Mandel empowers funny women to say HELL yes, and... "f*ck it!", to bust their inner good girls, and to "build their own sandboxes" in which to play.
POETIC JUSTICE with Vanessa D. Fisher
Poetic Justice Dialogues Series is a hub for engaging important conversations with artists, activists, authors, and influential thought leaders around the world who bring unique and fresh perspectives to an array of pressing global issues.
The conversations in this series range from political, to poetic, to philosophical in exploration, and aim to bring fresh thinking to a diverse array of topics by delving into the deeper layers of culture, art, economics, leadership, politics, activism, social media, gender, religion and spirituality in the 21st century.
Want to have Holly as a guest?
Send us an email!
There are educational presentations and discussions.
There are interactive workshops dealing with gendered expectations, roles, and rules.
And there is improv! Used to connect with and amplify the bold, fearless, free and authentic parts of us that live BEYOND the Good Girl.
The keynote can be 45 minutes to 2 hours.
It can be followed by an interactive program, or a series of workshops for deeper development.
Contact us so we can create a proposal with options for you.
In short, no. There are a few variations of the program and some include men and male-identifying participants too.
It will depend on the group you have, the objectives you want to achieve, and a few other details that we can discuss.
Shortest answer, as many as you've got. The keynote can be given for intimate groups or large-scale events.
The interactive workshop can be structured in a variety of ways. Reach out so we can discuss specifics and create a program that meets all your needs.
Holly will come to you! If this is an off-site, she can travel wherever you need her. She can also deliver the keynote virtually.
Contact us to set up a call, get more information or request a proposal

“If it were up to me, every new hire — both women and men — would be required to do this program.”